Safety Tips for Cleaning with Bleach

Bleach is a powerful cleaning agent that can be used to clean many surfaces. It has the ability to kill 99% of common household germs. However bleach can be dangerous if not handled properly. This article will show you some safety tips for cleaning with bleach.
With these safety tips for using bleach in your home, you can avoid any potential safety hazards that can endanger you and your family.
Is it dangerous to clean with bleach?
Using household cleaning products such as bleach can be very beneficial for your home, but you should exercise caution. While many people like the idea of keeping their homes sparkling and germ-free by using chemicals such as bleach, it’s important not to become too reliant on these products because they can cause health problems if used incorrectly.
Bleach contains harmful chemicals such as sodium hypochlorite. When diluted correctly and stored in a safe place away from children and pets, household cleaners pose little threat.
- Accidents do happen so make sure you read the labels before use.
- If any bleach-based product is ingested or comes into contact with the skin, seek medical attention immediately. Accidentally ingesting bleach even in small amounts can lead to severe burns to the mouth, throat, and stomach.
- If bleach comes into contact with your eyes, it can also cause severe irritation or burns so make sure to wear protective eye gear when using this product.
- If you have young children in the home, removing all cleaning supplies from easy reach is a must. You should always store these products out of sight from curious little hands that could ingest them accidentally.
Is it safe to clean surfaces with bleach?
In addition to being careful when using household cleaners such as bleach, it’s important that we only use these products on the intended surfaces.
Here are a few important guidelines:
What surfaces should not be cleaned with bleach?
- For example, do not pour diluted bleach onto the wooden floors or countertops. Although it may remove harmful germs from these surfaces, if used incorrectly, you risk ruining your beautiful flooring or damaging the finish of your countertops.
- For the best results when cleaning marble tile flooring, use hot water along with dish soap (or pH-neutral detergent) rather than mixing chemicals together (unless directed otherwise by the manufacturer). This way you will remove stubborn stains more easily.
What surfaces can you use bleach on?
- When cleaning your bathroom surfaces, follow some bathroom cleaning tips recommended by professionals. For instance, If you have areas of stubborn mildew build-up, mix some baking soda into a paste and use it with a brush to scrub away the grime. After, use diluted bleach mixed with water on these areas and rinse thoroughly so there’s no residue left behind which could cause discoloration or damage your cabinets.
- Surfaces such as windows, mirrors, and tile floors can be cleaned safely using household cleaners like bleach. However, always make sure you test them in an inconspicuous area first before applying directly to the surface. This way, you can make sure bleach doesn’t cause any damage.